Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Subversion setup

Start by editing /etc/apache2/httpd.conf so that the httpd-subversion.conf file gets included.

Include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-subversion.conf

There's no httpd-subversion.conf file by default, so we need to make one. On my system, it needs to contain the following:

LoadModule dav_svn_module libexec/apache2/mod_dav_svn.so
LoadModule authz_svn_module libexec/apache2/mod_authz_svn.so

<Location /svnrepos>
    DAV svn
    SVNParentPath /usr/local/svnrepos
    # the following svnindex.xsl (and svnindex.css) are located in the
    # server DocumentRoot dir, which is defined in httpd.conf with the following line:
    # DocumentRoot "/Library/WebServer/Documents"
    SVNIndexXSLT "/svnindex.xsl"
    # require SSL connection for password protection

    # user authentication
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "Subversion Repository"
    AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/subversion.auth

    # only authenticated users may access the repository
    Require valid-user

The .xsl and .css files were copied from my old server. They're just to make browsing the subversion repo more nice.

The subversion.auth file is generated using htpasswd as follows, and stored in /etc/apache

sudo htpasswd -cm /etc/apache/subversion.auth my_user_name

After the command is issued, a password must be entered (twice).

Test the install by trying to access a subversion repository (presumably in /usr/local/svnrepos, according to the above config). You should be required to use a https connection, and be prompted for your username and password.

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